Enhance your lips for a fuller, youthful appearance

Many of us are looking for fuller, sensuous lips. This is particularly true as we get older, because lip volume often decreases with age. Lip enhancement procedures are a fast, effective way to restore or enhance lip volume.


What results can you expect?

You can see the results of lip enhancement treatments immediately. These can include:

  • Thin lips gain volume, shape and definition
  • Contouring creates fuller upper and lower lips
  • A “sad mouth” is lifted
  • The Cupid’s bow is restored and lips look more proportionate

The increased volume typically lasts for 6 – 12 months. The hyaluronic acid is broken down gradually over time, and the speed at which this happens varies from one individual to another.

What the procedure involves

Lip enhancement involves injecting a small amount of gel called hyaluronic acid — a substance found naturally in the lips. By helping the tissues retain water, hyaluronic acid gives the lips a plumper, hydrated look.

The procedure itself is very quick. A local anaesthetic is given 15 – 20 mins prior to treatment to numb the area. The gel-like solution is then injected into the lips, adding volume and definition.

When administered by a suitably qualified professional, in a clinical environment, lip enhancement is straightforward and safe. Bruising is the most common side effect, but this should disappear over a few days.

Lip enhancement and other treatments

Lip fillers often work well with other aesthetic procedures that treat signs of ageing. These include the use of other dermal fillers and skin boosters. Please contact us to discuss your options.

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